Yoyofactory drama?

I just think we should love everyone. And if someone spends a dollar to get to a yoyo contest they should be met with love and respect. Everywhere and by everyone.

Ben is lucky af

He gets to represent a massive company that has done a lot of good for yoyoing. And instead uses that power to spread hate like this. AND. dropped Evan not that long ago for stuff like this.

Its a painful day in our community.

And im so anti cancel folks. But I wish Hans would take control of his company and clean up this mess for the good of our community.



Jesus christ.

Colin Beckford doesnt have a mean bone in his body.


I think itā€™s important to also acknowledge the damage having someone like that at the head of YYF does to the perception of the yoyo community. We want the yoyo community to be a community where yoyoers of all races and cultures can feel safe and empowered to enjoy the hobby, having someone making comments like that at the helm of YYF sends a message that the community is not that.


What are you talking about? That post specifically left out his name to not ā€œruinā€ or ā€œcancelā€ him. Who here is even trying to do that?


If you find someone whoā€™s had a history of this behavior who literally said this comment to a POC getting called out as ā€œcancel cultureā€ then I feel you have no place in this community as well.


Why is it always yoyofactory?


I had a similar comment during the last fiasco with Ben. But then I learned that heā€™s got quite the track record of saying stupid stuff. And then this happens. At some point, dude needs to take some serious accountability or YYF needs to make him take accountability.


You know, I think we can all agree that statement was pretty bizarre, unfunny, and uncalled for.

Like, thereā€™s ā€œedgy humorā€ and whatnot, and then thereā€™s this. Which is is both too far race wise, AND not a funny joke.



Iā€™ve dabbled in creating drama for marketing purposes in the past. Thereā€™s no such thing as bad press. Itā€™s a bit too late for it now but by talking about it, Ben and by extension YYF win. Best way to handle this situation is to just ignore it, and they tried by not mentioning who it was but itā€™s inevitable that people will find out. Not much we can do now except wait for it to blow over.

I hear ya. But you donā€™t ignore racism. Thats what weā€™ve been told to do for a long long time.

There is no bad press is just a saying. There is definitely bad press and these comments could definitely hurt YYFā€™s bottom line, and definitely hurt the companyā€™s reputation. Less brands will want to work with them. Honestly if I was Gentry Iā€™d be launching my own business tomorrow :laughing:.

Ben seems like the type of guy that will let his words get away from him, but that is no excuse. He should know better but clearly doesnā€™t. It will be up to YYF to make up for the bad blood he has stirred, especially after he did so in front of the entire yoyo community and after the Nagao situation.

This is a really bad look.


Racists make me sick


As someone who has worked in finance and IT for most of my career. Yes there is bad press. If you lose trust in your customer base you can spiral quickly and no longer be relevant in the market.

Perception is reality and if folks feel youā€™re problematic enough they will think twice before buying your product. At some point one persons bad behavior reflects on the whole of the company.

Sad thing is yyf is a pillar of support for the contest scene. Booting yyf out of the league would do some massive harm to the contest scene in the form of monetary support. So Ben can act out and often get away with it because of backlash is harsh enough it hurts everyone not just yyfā€¦not to mention the sponsored players and all the new players who come from experiencing yff products and events.


This is absolutely the wrong approach. The way to foster an inclusive and welcoming community is to vocally and persistently call out racism/other forms of discrimination and make it clear that it has no place here. Ignoring bad behaviour only serves to embolden the perpetrator, make it clear to other people with similar views that they can get away with similar behaviour and worst of all make those targetted by racism feel unsafe and unwelcome.

YYF is not going to generate more yo-yo sales from this incident. They are not getting additional exposure from this (everyone who would hear about this incident will already be familiar with YYF as they would be part of the scene regardless). The best result from Ben/YYFā€™s perspective is that we all stay quiet and eventually the community moves on and they get away with it.

The only way that positive change will occur is by the community demanding change and making sure that we donā€™t allow this to be ignored.


The annual summer racism is getting pretty old at this point. If itā€™s not racism itā€™s something against the lgbt+ communityā€¦


This forum has a bit of a forced positivity culture that may allow this to happen.


So, someone reacted negatively to the cancel-culture and your response is to cancel them? Funny.

its funny to me labeling consequences for your actions and words as ā€œcancel cultureā€.

Freedom of speech is not freedom of public opinion and repercussions.


i think you might be too old to understand what does and doesnā€™t constitute as ā€œcancellingā€


Itā€™s the same reason you donā€™t tell a kid to do something 5 times before insisting. All youā€™ve taught is that you arenā€™t serious til the 5th time. Also, you shouldnā€™t have to be told that making other people feel bad/uncomfortable/excluded isnā€™t ok, but if you do need to be told, it has to happen immediately and decisively


This statement caught my attention. What was the ā€œother nonsenseā€ that was said? It seems as though anything said immediately afterwards has great relevance to the context of the statement in question.

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