YoYoExpert x YoYoFactory - Worlds Prague 2014

YYF CTX bearings break in the best and you’re a better yoyoer if you practice with responsive. The bearings dont suck they do what theyre made to do.

Anyways this YYE thing is mehhh. They should have made the code really hard to break and then made it so you couldnt post in a thread about it so people would have to crack the code themselves.

Unfortunately then some people might not find out and YYE wouldn’t get their business

Lol sorry for all the bumps


A cool idea for the future would be to have a web developer come up with a way to provide a unique code available only by cracking the code. :wink: Not sure how that would work offhand, but it could be done. Probably take more work than would be warranted, though.

Haha yeah what I meant to say was in an ideal world :wink:

Edit your posts so all your ramblings are contained in one post, so you don’t have to post again.

Good idea thx I’ll do that next time

Edit. Stuarttw Whoops.

Ummm… you just did it again

lol repeating CLYW talking points. Yeah the CTX were so good CLYW stopped using them because of complaints. Most CTX I’ve encountered never broke in, even after weeks of consistent use. Also responsive making one a better yoyoer is laughable anyway, but suggesting CTX made a yoyo responsive is false. They don’t make a yoyo responsive, they make a yoyo unpredictable. Nothing wrong with a truly responsive yoyo, but CTX just made a yoyo responsive enough so that it clatters your knuckles randomly, but not responsive enough to actually be useful for responsive tricks.

I had 2 CTX that broke in wonderfully and one that did not. The one that did not, I had to clean and lube. Then it was wonderful.

CLYW dropped the bearing because it was inconsistent in how much it was lubed and it’s not worth the customer service headache. Doesn’t mean it’s not a good bearing for those willing to clean an overly-lubed one. Just means as long as it comes lubed, it’s not a good bearing to deliver a consistently predictable experience.

Anybody who doesn’t like their CTX is welcome to send it my way…

Is it really to much to clean a bearing. If I feel a bearing isn’t playing consistently I clean it. I’ve had to do this with both CTXs I own. They play great and it wasn’t difficult at all.

Right? I just de-shield and clean my bearings as soon as I get them, regardless of what brand they are. Who knows how consistent any manufacturers lubing process is, so why not do it yourself? And no matter how good QC is for any bearing company, there’s still a chance that something, somehow made its way under the shields before it got to you.

People that are looking to spend that much money on a yoyo should know proper bearing maintenance. Sending a yoyo out with a dry bearing can have it’s disadvantages as well so it makes sense to me to go the safe route since in my experience a dry bearing dies quicker than one with lube.

Eh, I just buy Terrapin X DCs and OD 10-balls.

No fuss and for months of constant use, still going strong. I cleaned one of my Terrapins once because a hair got in there. Plays just as well.

I clean all of my bearings when I get them.

6 minutes!!!

Inb4 refresh bomb taking down the shop pages.

Uh oh. Getting flashbacks to Wednesday. Hahah, someone stuck on a flight again? ;D

Fifty Five Point Four MM (Millimeters)
Forty Three Point Four MM
Sixty Six Point Five G (Grams)

EDIT: Woohoo! I won :stuck_out_tongue:


Ok let’s dissect this.

First off, I did repeat CLYW’s talking points. They make sense and are worth repeating. You’ve repeated every yoyoer

CLYW stopped using CTX’s because, like previously stated, people did not know how to properly maintain them so just assumed they didn’t work correctly. What I like to do is let the bearings be “unpredictable” (or as some people call it what every responsive bearing yoyo used for string tricks ever does) until they break in. I’ve had bearings that take months to break in so a few weeks isn’t gonna cut it.

I quite like CTX bearings because they help me smooth out my tricks while keeping a smooth yoyo. Eventually the yoyo will be smooth and unresponsive, and shazaam so will my tricks. But your opinion seems to be concrete so I disagree with you, you disagree with me. That’s basically how most arguments end anyway so why prolong it.

So how about this YYE x YYF thing… Neato. Another YYF yoyo made and another mystery box where “you get a good deal” when in fact YYF and YYE still make a profit. Maybe even on the box worth $750. But marketing is marketing and this usually draws a crowd.