YoYoExpert Forum Community Update - October 2023

Sounds good to me! I very much enjoy this online space and look forward to see it grow in a positive way.

@AndreBoulay I recommend pinning this post for a bit.


Lets not!!


Embrace the revolution!


Indeed. If Spence gets mod then MikeT should as well to balance him out.


Let’s keep it civil everyone please don’t stir trouble in the post trying to work through all this.


Change is good. Welcome back @SR1 glad to have u back.


Thumbs down for this comment.


I will also reiterate we do not need suggestions or nominations in this thread. We will be seeking formal applications.


Thank you for this update. Excited to see where this forum goes . :slight_smile:


As always, Andre has been the adult in the room, and (according to some random forum user named Nightshadow) has handled the situation perfectly.

This is a two sided issue, and this is a perfect “bipartisan” outcome, not a revolution.

The old mods will be there, some new mods may join them. Together, they can probably make things work.

But guys, sentiments like this seem a bit counterproductive. Both Eos and Spence are good people, and I’ve had many conversations (and some good debates!) with both.

But both randomly propping up people because they have been the most outspoken against the current mods is rather silly. Both of these people would have to interact with the community different than they do now to be effective mods. I’m sure they could do this, and could even be great at the job!

But being (not like a the current mods) is not a résumé qualification.

Again, this isn’t a “revolution”. Let’s be adults here.

Once again, Andre has handled this issue excellently in advance by having formal applications, for an important position.

Lastly, I want to stress part of what Andre mentioned.

Let’s quit with the hating on the current mods, yeah? Many of the people that have been proposed as new mods by our “forum revolutionaries” are guilty of what’s mentioned above.

I look forward to having both new and old mods on the forum. I look forward to having discussions about yo-yos and yoyoing.

And I very much hope that the need to discuss the darker aspects of humanity, and controversial/irrelevant topics on this yo-yo forum lessens, as it is what has lead to most of the tension we see now. There are other (wonderful, necessary, and more qualified) online communities that are designed to deal with that content more effectively.

Thanks Andre, thanks current mods. Future mods, I know you’ll step up to the plate, and help the current mods keep the forum on track.

Go throw some yo-yos.



Welcome back @SR1

Hasn’t been the same without you.


Sure, as long as they aren’t relevant to the yoyoing being discussed. If they are, I see no reason for them to be purged.


glad to hear of some thoughtfulness and input from the upper level. our mods do a great job no doubt. it’s just nice to have a review of the community. this is def one of the best places to talk yo.


i dont know how i feel about my name being thrown around casually and caught in speculative arguments. All i know is that i am a member of this community and that ive spoken against mod abuse, omission and questionable judgement when i see those actions go against making a more accepting place.

if thats not acceptable behaviour then :person_shrugging:, id rather do that than not bat an eye when horrible and damaging discourse seeps through the interactions in this forum.


This. Also, you do a great job moderating other yoyo platforms as is, I’m not sure where the criticism comes from - if anything, moderators should look up to you leading by example.


All of this. There have been times where deeper topics were brought up, but it has to do with community members or issues going on that involved those in the community. Part of having a welcoming yoyo community is also being willing to discuss matters that might not be “pleasant” to talk about, but that helps foster a place that feels safer, and where all feel respected.
Rather than giving the blanket “no guys let’s just talk about yoyos!” There will always be 500 other topics for that right?

Also on regards to the earlier comment mentioning that the people speaking out about mods shouldnt be considered. Keep in mind that the sentiments were a long time coming and a lot of the words said were because people wanted change. I don’t feel that invalidates anyone’s “worthiness” at all and to me it shows a willingness to speak up for the people, and I personally trust that :slight_smile:

In any case, all will be revealed in time and I’m grateful for Andre for handling this and looking forward to how things turn out. Like I said before, this forum was something I was happy to be a part of when it was brand new and opened and I’ve seen all sorts of things in its history, and I’m glad to see positive things happen :slight_smile:

Much love from this OG “Forum eXpert” haha


In the end yoyo expert is a business and the forum is a reflection of said business. I agree the forum needs to be kept PG and safe for all participants. I understand many people here are of the older persuasion but the products YYE sells are in the end toys and children 13+ do come to this forum seeking answers and community. I think we should all keep that in mind when disagreeing on here, especially the people like my self in the 30+ crowd, that what you say can and probably is being seen by children.

When you search questions about yo-yos on google the forum often is one of the first places that pops up as an answer. Let’s try to keep this place a shiny beacon and pillar of the community as it might be one of the first things people see when exposed to YoYoing.

I also think whoever fills the new moderator role needs to be in touch with the various social media platforms on the web discord, instagram, Reddit, facebook, etc so that they are aware of how people talk about the forums outside of the bubble here. It will help With optics and communication and bridging the gap and divide that is forming in the community.

I am excited to see this community heal and try to become more understanding of one another. We are all different and from various parts of the globe. Let’s try to keep the perception and reputation of being one of the most tolerant and accepting hobbyists communities on the planet.