YoYoCourse Trick Video Contest Win a MonkeyfingeR Design Forte

With permission from YoYoExpert we are posting this here:

Hey guys, I just wanted to let you all know that we are throwing a trick contest back on my website: http://www.yoyocourse.com/submit/contest-submission/winter-trick-video-contest/

The contest is pretty simple, record your best trick, it has to be between 15-30 seconds long, fill out to form on the page linked above, upload your video to the next page, and then relax and wait for us to get the video up and to pick our top three.


This is our winter video contest, and it is sponsored by MonkeyfingeR Design, who has donated a Forte for 1st place, and various amazing accessories for 2nd and 3rd place. Good luck to all who enter!

Mike Montgomery

Awesome! I’ll definitely enter!
Quick question though, how many people are at yoyocourse? I thought it was just your website.

Is this contest still active?

I entered a video and never received an email confirming my entry.

Thanks for the question, YoYoCourse is my website but my buddy Tyler Jorgensen stepped up to help me share some of the hard to find but cool videos, some product reviews, and tutorials. With his help I keep the content up to date and fresh. :slight_smile:

Well at the time of your question, yes it was. I got your video and your submission form safely! :slight_smile: Sorry it took me so long to reply, I’ve been occupied elsewhere and forgot to check my post :frowning: