hey everyone. i am currently in a yoyo battle with “dudesuperlame” on youtube. our videos go up on sunday night and the battle ends on friday night. we score points when someone votes or posts a comment saying : “duckfartz2” or “dudesuperlame”. understand everyone? leave a comment below and vote for me. :wink: alright people. here is whats up. dudesuperlame and i (duckfartz2) are having a yoyo battle. viewers decide on who they would like to vote for. only “1 ONE” vote per person. Viewers vote in the comments of either video or on a website with our videos, for an example yoyoexpert.com. you can vote right here! we will add up the score after a week and see who wins.
-thanks Duckfartz2 <---- vote for me ;D

My vid is now up. vote for me in the comments.  :wink: thanks.