Yoyo time balance with Yoyo forum time

How do you balance your yoyo time with your yoyo forum time?

When I started yoyoing there was no internet, just books with diagrams and my imagination. Then the internet! Wow was I excited to find yoyo forums, places to talk, see different yoyos, and most of all the opportunity to watch and learn tricks that were more than scribbles in a book. Needless to say, I spent a great deal of time on forums, way more time than yoyoing.

Now I’d rather yoyo than spend so much time on the forums and watching youtube. I feel like I’d rather spend my time experiencing the qualities of yoyos and tricks that I discussed so many times and for so many years. I still enjoy the forums and youtube, but I spend more time yoyoing now, and I really like it.

It makes me wonder a bit, if at some point in time, if I will find myself spending more time talking yoyos than actually yoyoing.

So, is yoyoing time >than forum time? Where do you find the balance?


I just have a lot of free time in general. Often I make forum posts after i put a yo-yo down then pick it right back up.


It’s not like I manage it in a very definite way, but I tend to check YYE/Reddit a couple times a day when I’m already working on my pc. Checking the forums is an activity thats way more combinable with my daily responsabilities than picking up a yoyo and having a 10 minute throw sesh, so I can perfectly understand how a lot of us would spend more time on forums than actually throwing.

I yoyo only on my free time. Sometimes I have various free spots and sometimes I can’t pick up a yoyo the entire week. It varies a lot for me.


I’m pretty new to this forum, so since I’m just getting back into things, I’m spending a ton of time on the forum, including time that I could be throwing. In my defense, I’ve got a ton of catching up to do, and this is such a vast resource of gathered knowledge, that it’s easy to get caught up in it. Mainly I just wanted to say that I’m so glad that this community is here, and all these resources are gathered in one place. It’s really incredible, and I totally appreciate it, even if I waste time reading threads from 2012 from time to time.


When I get too drunk to safely throw anymore, I check out the forum and hate read the latest post by XXXXXX


I do the same. If anything reading the forums often inspires me to toss a yoyo around.


10 percent forum, 90 percent yoyo. 100 percent procrastination from important tasks :slight_smile:


@pmdon I don’t think there is any need for defense, yoyoing v.s. forum time is always in the appropriate proportions unless you personally feel other wise. As long as you are loving it, it’s perfect.


Actually; pretty much the same amount of time.

I mainly throw 2hand while typing posts with my nose.


I follow no formula or guidelines. I throw as much as I can and read the forum as much as I want. Probably 2:1 ratio right now in favor of throwing. It’s more fun, there also isn’t that much new content on this forum day to day IMO.
I throw about an hour per day. Has there been a poll to see how much time people spend throwing daily?


I spend more time yoyoing


Odd, this doesn’t surprise me at all. :crazy_face:

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I feel the same way - a lot of the thread topics lead to answers that are very subjective most of the time…perhaps almost every yoyo-related opinion is subjective?


Without a doubt I spend more time participating on the forum than I do yoyoing. It is probably because the forum is where I go to feel like part of the community, a place where we all hang out and talk about yoyos. The social aspect of the hobby is just as deeply satisfying, perhaps more so for me, than the yoyo play itself.


While the ratio of throwing to forum percentages may vary, I think this hits close to home for many of us