YoYo String Survey/Poll

What yoyo string do you like the best?

Seriously dude. Be patient and wait for answers on your other threads about strings. If people know of better options they will tell you. Also, do some research before making a new topic. Google is a powerful tool. It really clutters up the forum when you post so many threads.

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I picked YYE string because that is about the only one that I have a lot of experience with.
Probably next Iā€™m going to try Blueprint.


Also if you need more string advice there are numerous string threads that have already been created and have some helpful stuff in them. You can go to the forum search bar and type in string for more details. But wait theres more if you search in the next 10 minutes you will get an additional search absolutley free. A $0.00 Value free for a limited time.

kys luckey fat string