Yoyo for a 3 year-old?

I know imagine that dude now…

Evan Nagao. He’s on YouTube. Looks like he competed at CalStates in 2010.



LIKE A BOSS. here he is.

And he’s isn’t sponsored yet how? More. Or less that was awesome and I bet he’s even better now


You know, the one that always comes back!

Considered this one. :wink: Might still do if I ever find one.


i can’t see a 3 year old able to handle anything above an auto return. he/she would probably get really frustrated even with the clutch. However, it’s at most 5 bucks. it’ll be worth an experiment, and if your kid doesn’t use it, you can.

whoops. i forgot we were talking about a clutch-return yoyo. :stuck_out_tongue:

I took the Brain for a few loops after he had a hack at it. :wink: Not the first time I’ve used a clutch return, but they’re so weird. This particular one required a heck of a strong sleeper, and then clutch engaged before I could even get a decent trick in!

But yeah, even the Brain is a bit beyond him right now. Still, he asks to try it out, has a throw or two, then moves on to something else without much anger or resentment. That’s all I can hope for. :wink:

They break in. I did a kwijibo and got halfway through a skin the gerbil on mine last night.

good luck with your kid becoming a yoyo master! ;D

Holy moly… even if it wasn’t for the clutch, I wouldn’t be able to do those on a “modified shape” yoyo! Nutty.

Abby, thanks for the good luck wishes! A few more years before he has the patience and coordination to give it a real try (that Evan kid is an exception!) but as long as there’s a throw around, he’ll probably be interested in it at least a little. :slight_smile:

Don’t think I got it the first try.