Yoyo CAD & Prototyping Adventures

I don’t have calipers and I didn’t know that’s what “those measuring things everyone used in yoyo videos” were called, but I definitely want to get one now. Also, I forgot to round the corners, I’ll be sure to do that since it does look kind of dangerous. Thank you guys for the tips and advice, I had a lot of fun designing the yoyo and can’t wait to get started on either updating this design or making a new one entirely.


my first try at a fixed axle woody, the roundabout!

70 mm diameter, 48 mm width


its definitely an addicting process

just made one more, the cistern!

53g, 40 mm width, 60 mm diameter


Hi there, i need help with my CAD model. I am making a yoyo on TinkerCAD and I am looking for help. Please give me any advice on the model and I also need an axle 10mm axle model. Thanks. 3D design project_nitrogen/crash_002 | Tinkercad


Fusion 360 offers a free for personal use version which may be a better option for CAD. Allows you to import models for the entire McMaster-Carr catalogue, which would help with you issue finding a 10mm axle model. Just food for thought, and the prototype you’re making looks awesome! Cheers

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You can drop in a ~4mm diameter 10mm long cylinder to block out the axle location and check for things like the cup not being in too close to the axle. Just as a quick option while modeling.

For your design, it has lots of pointy edges that you should dress up with fillets (probably 1.5mm radius for the outermost edge, smaller is fine for other corners).


Yes i know that but it’s part of a school project and they only let me use tinkercad

But i need the axle render so i can just make it a hole shape. then i don’t have to drill it.

Just messing around with some MR85 unresponsive design.


This thing should totally be the next mini prod run. I would love to see unres mr85 be a thing

hold on what is used for manufacturing a metal yoyo? a lathe? cnc machine? what machine is it

Both. CNC Lathe.

Does everything look good for the bearing seat so far?


You haven’t put in every measurement, so it’s a little difficult to tell, but its close.

You will need to put a chamfer or a radius on the edge of the bearing post to help put in the bearing without causing damage.

The little lip the bearing sea sits on is quite wide too. This probably won’t interfere at all, but I would go no larger that 1mm. That probably just a preference though.

I suggest putting a .1mm fillet on all of those sharp little corners.

You have made the pad recess 1.3mm This will be fine, but they will be ever so slightly recessed by about .1mm.

I’m trying to make a Spotlight Ultra copy but one that has a fingerspin hub and is a little wider but I’m not sure if this is any good. How it would play, and my program says it is 29 grams??? Any thoughts, tips or helpful criticism?


Not a designer, but it looks great. Seems like 29g is in the ballpark if that’s just the weight of the half. What’s the overall weight you’re aiming for? How much does a bearing weigh?

[edit] So if a bearing is ~2g, I’m not sure if that’s normally included in the specification weight, but hope this helped at all, though I’m guessing you already thought of all this.

the answer is…1.9 grams
(sorry for the upside down shot)


Well 29+29+1.9 ≈ 60 but that’s like five grams too light. I’m not sure where to get 5 extra grams from. I’m also not sure if there is too much center weight or rim weight or something like that. I do want this yoyo to be more rim weighted than the spotlight ultra though.

try making the inner diameter of the lip just a little smaller, as the further out from the center of the yoyo you are, the more difference a small change makes. also, you could try making the yoyo a tad wider, which will also have a huge change when it comes to weight. just a 1mm change to either dimension should probably do. finally, you could try making the fillet on the inside of the rim lip just a little larger, which could also adjust rim weight it a good deal