Yoyo CAD & Prototyping Adventures

There has been a recent trend in the last decade of yo-yos getting wider. This has been a relatively slow trend. It is time to change that. What we need is a rapid evolution. Presenting the next leap in competitive yo-yoing:

With a width of 100mm, you’ll have no trouble landing the yo-yo on at least one string! Those difficult horizontal hop tricks you are struggling with, so easy now!

Width: 100mm
Diameter: 56mm
Half Weight: 32.11gms
Assembled Weight: ~68gms
MMOI: 15354
Axle: 12mm
Bearing: Size C
Response: “Standard 19mm”
Body Material: Magnesium

Note: There was no option for magnesium in my rendering software unfortunately. So this is just what it would look like if it was aluminum.

I think that this yo-yo would be extremely hard to manufacture successfully and also extremely hard to play with and throw successfully. If it existed I think it would definitely be a fun yo-yo.

What do y’all think?