Yoyo Appraisal Thread

NM OD Valor

I’d say 100

First Run NM Black Yeti

You could probably find someone who would pay retail for that (40). Maybe higher if they’re CLYW crazy.

I think people would pay much more. Especially since people are desperate about the next run lol

80-85 depending on damage maybe 90

I think 65 tops

I would say 65 for the Yeti at the absolute most, and that’s for someone who just has to have it… I think it’s crazy that some people try and sell them for way more then that. And you would be stupid to buy it for more then that also. I think 50 is a good price for a Yeti myself is a good price.

there were a few black yetis sitting on the BST for $50 for a couple weeks not too long ago

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Mint pink kit.

Near mint yoyofficer crayon please?

extreeeeemly near mint Zach gormley Chief?

Probably $100, little more to the right person (like most CLYW)

Half banana and half gold D-bearing Skywalker. Has 3 small scuffs(not dings, just scratches).

Mint red1/4 badass KLR?

Mint custom anno and blasted TP Basilisk?

120 ish, maybe more to the right guy.

Is it that Candy Apple one? Those are sick

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MIB Messiah
MIB Triplet

Yup Candy Apple Red, very shiny lol!

Clareview gnarwhal one little pin prick no box and a spring edition bassalope with some scuffs, no box

$80 on the gnar.
Depends on WHICH spring edition the bass is.
If it’s the 28 stories, it would bring you $200.
If not, maybe $90-100.