Yoyo Appraisal Thread

I’d say 120-145


Thank you kind Sir.

@OhDavidBowie I think was looking for one.

I’d appraise for about 3.50


Lol! @8269christopher posted it because I wanted to buy it at fair price.


Just agreeing with Sparhawk’s assessment, at least 120 or a bit more for a mint one with box. Around 80-100 seems to be common for no box Puffins.


Thanks. Happy cake day as well.


Hello everyone!
I’m thinking of selling these 2 spyy yo-yos that I don’t use.
the dynamo came with an anodized failure (see photo) and the amplifier has a small mark (photo)
I have their original boxes
how much can i ask for them?
thanks greetings!


My best guess would be $80-$100 each. There’s always a market for SPYY throws, they’re all lots of fun and hard to track down lately.

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I am wondering how much would a OD M1 worth with a few dings here and there.

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Price estimate on a G2, AL7 Hawk, mint with box.


about $40 - $50-ish depending on how bad those dings are.


all correct, I also agree with you on its evaluation, (a specimen remained unsold for years on a European store for about 70 euros … then two or three years ago it went away).
As for its maintenance it is much less problematic than you might think, just apply some fluid silicone in the grooves (you can also choose how many to fill, 4, 8, 6 …), fill them well and shave off the excess with a plasticized card , as is done for normal circular slots … the problem is that this type of response system has never worked well, in the sense that when you bind, if the string is found to cling to the walls at the precise moment in where there is silicone the yoyo comes back but if it does so when it finds the aluminum part between the grooves, it often slips and the bind is delayed or fails … this thing can give a lot of annoyance and we need to take the habit (Raffaele, the owner of Roll-Out, when it was pointed out to him he used to reply: “… this is because my yoyos have character” … and I often jokingly told him: "yes it’s true … but they have a temper though! " :sweat_smile:).
Another information that perhaps few people know about the R2009 have graphics that are not laser engraved but printed in ink for pad printing.

p.s … once you get used to its bizarre way of returning to the hand with the bind … you can play with it even without applying silicone at all !, I swear! the few times I use it I use it that way … as with silicone it sometimes comes back, sometimes it doesn’t (without silicone the second is more frequent) … but when it comes back it’s a satisfaction and it does it well … .

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bump if anyone can help! thank you

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Red w/ gold splash Genesis
Red/white acid wash Supernova
Clear Rhong To

I’d put them all around $50 each. None are particularly desirable. The YYFs are also quite saturated in the market and from what I’ve seen, don’t draw much attention.


I think that’s actually a Supernova Lite


I was pointed towards this thread from r/Throwers/. I am a lapsed player/collector who recently rediscovered my stash. They are doing neither me nor anyone else any good sitting in boxes and aren’t likely to do much else if they stay with me. I am not chumming the waters, just trying to get back up to speed. A sell off is likely but not guaranteed as it sounds like Hard Work. Here are some of the 140 (or so) that might be of interest. I would be grateful for any assistance in appraising their saleability. I would not be looking to drive market prices up or down if I do sell. More may follow if that is OK but I don’t want my first post to be overwhelming.


That handquake is probably $250ish, the rooyo is pretty cool probably $125-$150, that markmont project is $500, grind machine 1 is $250+, fh1 is $100, higby zero’s are $50, normal red project is probably $350, carbon fiber dark magic $100ish, and so many other cool zeros that are worth a lot. You should try and take some more pictures because that stuff is awesome! @Zippy8


I posted some thematic~grouped shots on Reddit. Is it worth reposting here ? (for example…)


I would say 50-100 for each freehand zero and 100-200 for each freehand 1. Also that picture is so cool!