Sorry 5 bucks or so
Half swaps are less desirable as well as fg. I would expect around $80 at Max but would take $70 myself
was just what i was about to post…. $80
Half swaps are usually less desirable, but those two are killer colors. I’ll give you 90 right now if you’re looking to sell
I sold an AC1 not that long ago with less damage than yours and it got no interest until I price dropped it to 65 bucks. I had initially listed it for 80.
FG Puffin 1 I’d probably expect around the same. Anywhere between 60-80 bucks.
They used to be slightly more but the BST for the past year has been slow as heck and stuff just sits.
Looking for the value of these 3
SF SS, minty
Severe half swap, cool laser engravings all over the throw. Near mint
Mystery bimetal. Looks yoyofactory nightmare, but plays much lighter.
How much would a sudo go for nowadays? Mint?
Sold one for $85 a few weeks back. A couple others sold for ~75 around the same time I think.
Not really an appraisal question, but how common are spitfires with rounded profiles? All but one of mine are shaped like the one on the right.
I am looking to sell these G2 throws. Can someone help me out with pricing?
All are in excellent if not near-mint condition. No damage that I can see. No unusual vibe or anything.
Any help would be appreciated.
Banshee SS
enjoy the throw my friends.
Price check for mint MCMO and polished summit?
Roughly 80-100 on the MCMO. Depends on color.
Send me all of the offers in this price range. Id like a shot.
Pelican 55-80
GBP 35-60
Brasshee 80-115.
MCMOs go for this price all the time…
thank you.
Inknow i just love them