Yoyo Appraisal Thread II

We should do a half swap.

Thank you very much for the info!


what colorway do you have that you think would go well with the pink?

The one Iā€™d posted a few days back. There are some shiny spots and creases on my caps from the ordeal of re-installing them so Iā€™d definitely only do it if the spirit moves you. :slight_smile:

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Canā€™t say that the combo would be the best so Iā€™ll have to turn it down, but thank you for the offer though.

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Personally the blue wok the duck edition would make for a cotton candy color


I love cotton candy colorways, Iā€™ve got a Peak 2 and a Gway Saboteur in that style.

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Anyone got a price check on a nickel MMC?


I have a 2nd run CLYW Peak in winter green colorway. How much could it fetch?

I have a small video also trying to show the damages the yo-yo has:

I have asked few people and gotten estimates around three to four hundred bucks.


Iā€™d hold onto that for a few years before you sold it for the amount mentioned. They arenā€™t making them and the prices are skyrocketing.


Great idea. Im just about to start studying and will most likely need the $$$ in few years haha :smiley: Thanks!


If you can afford to hold out. Id hold out.


Nickel plated Duncan strix (got this from an old team Duncan member and have never seen one before) and a Reverse Rainbow Road Life (not for sale).


I have one too, with box and exactly identical to the day it arrived from the shop, in 2010 (33% discount from the list price, as it was the penultimate one they had for sale). I have no idea how much itā€™s worth, probably after your post you will receive private messages with proposals (if it hasnā€™t already happened, Iā€™m telling you because it happens to me from time to time)ā€¦ the real price is all in your willingness to sell it , knowing that it is very unlikely you will have the possibility of finding another one and that of those who are interested in having it, so if you consider the possibility of selling it probable, bargain. Personally, I donā€™t feel like advising you to keep it for a few more years because in my opinion this ā€œbubbleā€ of crazy prices (like what has been happening for many years now for Rolexes) will sooner or later explode and many will realize the madness of having spent a lot of money on objectsā€¦ very normal and perhaps even become anachronistic and on the other hand, just as many who imagine they have a ā€œsmall patrimony in safe havenā€ will realize they have what they actually haveā€¦ two pieces of aluminum, an axle and a small bearing. Maybe Iā€™m wrong, but this is what I think.


That version of the strix was a signature version for Whip! Cool to see one so many years later.

Thatā€™s awesome! I got it back in 2017. Itā€™s a great throw, I just know nothing about it!

Iā€™d sell it now tbh. I think the prices have ā€œpeakedā€. With a possible Peak 3 around the corner, I think the prices on the original Peaks, especially the second runs, will drop once it releases. It happened with the Peak 2, but prices rose again when people realized the Peak 2 was quite different from the original.

Also 95% sure that is a second run Peak, the third runs had more rounded rims.


I think this really depend if anyone write a biased review on how OG Peak can never be replaced. Which then collector will try to collect all 3 and leads to increase in demand despite of new supply


This is a second run Peak, not a third run. Not worth as much as 1st/3rd runs unfortunately.


Yes the grooved ones are 2nd run. You are correct. My mistake. Fixed now.

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