Yoyo Appraisal Thread II

I figured it was in that time :joy::joy:

Do you know if you have a bunch of those yyj caps? Since you posted it here im assuming you want value on them and the value would be alot more if you have some of those caps. I havent seen a jambo since 14 virginia states, it was AJ Kirks RIP.

Sadly, I don’t think I have any YYJ caps that aren’t pictured here.

As it is, I’m kicking myself over whether or not I got rid of some of the Custom/Kuhn packaging that I know I did have at one point.

While I was pretty sure that I didn’t have any caps that weren’t in the picture, I was able to find and re-install the ONEStar caps.

The Hitman, Jamboo, Vigilante, and Mo-Trix all came to me without caps.

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Interested in your benchmark

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Can someone give me a fair price on this mint with box MFD Gelada 2.1?


Id say 150ish if its not an artist proof or short run. Bit more if it is. Less if its a preorder throw.

Looking to get an idea of what this MMC is worth. Not sure of the colorway, the finish has a chauky feel to it (is this what soda last feels like). It is mint with box and extra brass side effects. I believe I am the second owner.


I’d guess 120-140? Maybe 150 if you really felt saucy


I would pay $140 for it, easy. If you want to sell it, please message me, we will work it out :smiley:


Thanks for the offer, not currently for sale.



those markmont dome side effects are worth a lot, both the UL and brass. don’t know about specfics though


Duncan Metal Zero brand new and unopened. Curious what this might be priced at.


This is the second version from 2007, there was a sour taste for theses due to the 2006 versions stripping, but it was also Duncan’s early attempts at Aluminum. Its unopen so it is more a collectable for a mature buyer. I personally like this version and call it a “Poor Mans YWET” but to make it playable you need a Dif-E-Yo KonKave A bearing and thats extra cost for novelty. I buy them when I can get them under $15 with shipping. On the Auction site you might get up to $40 if you are patient, but you’ll also have fees. They don’t have OG Freehand desirability, even though they are in the lineup. These are responsive out of the package. But the counterweights are cool.


Thank you for the break down and history on this. I got it cheap so I wanted to make sure I wasn’t destroying a piece of history by opening it. I want to play these counterweights but I am torn on opening it. 5A with a responsive yoyo sounds like a disaster for me. I already have a bad history with looping haha.


Yeah, you’ll need to do a little work to make it play unresponsive like the newer stickers and a new Konkave bearing. This has the old friction stickers in it an they wear out with play and you’ll eventually hit a sweet spot, and then they don’t work at all. The Duncan Bouncy Ball is one of my favorite counterweights. If you got it cheap then I wouldn’t feel guilty just playing it, unless you are a mature collector who wants to look at it on a shelf next to an OG Freehand in package.

If you do open it up and play it, I recommend putting some thin lube on the axle threads so you dont strip it, It’s cheap aluminum with a long axle.


Literally the only yoyo I’ve ever stripped.

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Thinking of letting these 2 go and want to see what everyone thinks they are worth.

Mint BBB Peak 2
Mint RSO SE Mechabape


There’s a raw mechabapezilla on the bst for $260 right now that’s been up for a bit now, so I would imagine that would be the floor of what you could ask for since the OG edition is rarer. I would probably start at $350 and then slowly bump down but that’s just me.

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I’ve got an old Sakura edition onestar that I was wondering what the worth would be? no box, clean no mand made marks or dings, but there is this teeny tiny yellow production mark that’s hard to see in the last photo.


15 bucks tops. That’s what I sold an identical one with box for. Really cool edition but it’s still just a Onestar at the end of the day, not exactly a collectible or sought after yoyo.