Your thoughts on this

4 days ago i ordered a magicyoyo t6 rainbow for $1.55 and today i ordered a n11 with 12 strings and responsive bearing along with a unresponsive bearing and tools for 10.99. Are these good picks? im a intermediate but the first yoyo i bought felt like i could bend it in half bc i got it from aliexpress but since then i have learned. i know how to bind but thats abt it with an unresponsive since the yoyo broke and was ■■■■ b4 getting to learn new tricks. (P.S i kinda really need to get taught how to throw a breakaway but every vid i watch dont click in my brain)


since you have only learned bind yet, I feel any unresponsive yoyo should be enough for you. Umm about the breakaway, when you try to do it, what feels weird about it? I could help.


The breakaway was difficult for me, too. Now that I got it down, though, it feels totally natural. So, don’t give up! This Brandon Vu video gets recommended a lot and it definitely helped. Ultimately, though, it just took a lot of practice. Put something on TV and just keep throwing, when you do a good one, try to repeat the same movement. When you get tired or frustrated, switch to front style and come back to breakaway later. You will get there.


i think alicia gave great advice with the persistence and practice. i was terrible at breakaways (still mess them up sometimes) and youll find posts from me asking about it as well as i had several 1 on 1’s with ppl about it. ultimately it just clicks and as alicia said it starts to feel natutural.

the only thing I’d add is don’t think it needs to be perfect… like at all. I’m a perfectionist and i agonized over trying to make it perfect. just pick a trick to learn that involves a breakaway and work on learning that. you can correct the tilt once you land it in a trapeze or something and still have spin for the trick. the throw will develop alongside the trick

best of luck, ask lots of questions, and happy throwing!


Great point about not waiting for perfection to try out tricks that involve the breakaway. That makes playing more fun, more fun means more playing, which pretty much guarantees progress over time. The lists of tricks are a guide, not a strictly ordered checklist where you have to master each on before you can move on.


Anything is really a good pick to have fun and learn on.

Brandon Vu has a video where he takes a very inexpensive plastic yo-yo and wins a contest with it. Point being that you can really make anything work.

Have fun!!


bring the player not the yoyo :wink::+1:


Unless you’re having an off day. Then of course it’s too wide so you’re snagging, or too small so you can’t catch it. Etc lol

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its the part about swinging the yoyo or having it parallel to your body

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thanks ill keep that in mind really helpful though

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thanks, the trapeze will be my first trick besides the bind i think since its universal to most easy and fun tricks

Something I still do is find a place to stand with straight lines on the floor. Use those lines as a guide to help you straighten your breakaways.