I don’t know how to make it adhesive, yet, and I haven’t made any so I don’t know if its any good at all.
well looks like my MLK day weekend is a day longer thanks from the snow today lucky me!
Does anyone know how to fix my sig? I’m using this picture.
Edit: Fixed
nice signature.
It happens when you have little sisters.
How many? I have 2 little sisters. 2 older sisters. 1 younger brother, and 1 older brother. 6 siblings in all.
Do wat now
dang i feel for ya now you make my 1 younger brother and 1 younger sister look like nothing!!!
Me and a friend (Shen###) are starting a yoyo company.
We have gotten this far in one day-
A name and a semi drawn logo.
Tropical Spins Yoyo Creations
The logo is a palm tree on an island with a treasure chest and a yoyo hanging from the tree.
We don’t expect to have a prototype soon. We have only been official for a day
We might do a YYE edition just for TA
Cool! Good Luck
you might want to buy a 3d printer instead of hiring a machinist in many ways it could be cheaper.
That’s like saying buy a butter knife! It cuts dirt, yoyos need to be made on lathes period. Btw I have 2 sisters and 2 brothers, all younger.
What Modman said is true.
I dot want to waste money for something that is a yoyo, but not the quality I want.
I want it to be made at a machine shop, on a CNC lathe.
I cant think of any company on YYE that uses a 3D Printer.
Modman said it best
You would only use a 3d printer for prototyping shape. You couldn’t make a durable proper yoyo on one yet.
Awe B.C., so kind of you to think of my favorite colorway. I wish everyone who made yo-yos thought of that. It sounds interesting what you guys are planning. I don’t know anything about yo-yo making. But, I’m sure lots of other people do.
Nice logo idea too. Do you guys have capital for the start up, or are you making plans for that? When do you hope to have the first yo-yo done? Any timeline for the project…or just taking your time?
It sounds like quite a project.
We are just working on a logo/design as of now. Nothing planned. Just taking our time.
Hmm, let me tag you on instagram real quick XD
yeah I know I tried it then my Yoyo with the counterweight on it lost it responses bummer.