Hypothetical #2 (Customer Service & Communication)
You own ThrowThrowSpirit’s yo-yo polishing service. You have previously released a statement to all customers, which they signed, releasing you from any liability (financial obligation), for damage to yo-yos in your possession.
You have a long time customer named Bob. You began polishing Bob’s yo-yo, when all of a sudden, your polishing tool malfunctions and creates irreparable damage to Bob’s yo-yo. There is a huge gash, and you cannot fix the damage, or polish out the damage, and it will definitely be noticeable to Bob upon receipt. You have to figure out what to say to Bob, and your only means of contacting him is email. It is time to update Bob via email, about how the job is progressing. Write me a note as you would send it to Bob. This message can be as long or short as you deem necessary to communicate everything you want Bob to know.
Answers to Hypothetical #2, In the order in which they were received:
Hey Bob, I have some news for you about the polish job you ordered.
It just so happens that my equipment malfunctioned and put a un fixable gash in your yoyo.
I am terribly sorry this happened.
I know you signed an agreement that I am irresponsible for damage, but I would like to offer to replace your yoyo if you wish. You are a long time costumer, and I don’t want to loose that…
I will fix my equipment and make sure this doesn’t happen again.
Thank you for you continuous support to Throwthrowspirit’s polishing!
Hello Bob,
I have polished many yoyos in the past, including yours. I take great care in my work to avoid accidents. However, I recently got to polishing your yoyo when my polishing gear malfunctioned and cut through it. It left a gash which I then tried, to the best of my ability, to repair. I couldn’t remove it by polishing it or sanding it down, and unfortunately the damage is still noticeable.
I am deeply sorry for the trouble I have caused you. I will be sending you your yoyo back, and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let me know.
Thank you for your business, and I will make sure something like this wont happen again.
Best regards,
Hello Bob,
This message is an update on your yoyos polishing, and I bear the unfortunate news that your yoyo was damaged in the process. The damage was carried out by an unforeseeable machinery malfunction. This ‘gash’ created by the polishing tool is certainly noticeable, but I will do all I can to help fix it. Unfortunately no matter what I do it’ll still be seen, to an extent.
I send my deepest apologies. And will finish up with your yoyo and ship it back as soon as I can.
Dear Bob,
There was an unfortunate mishap earlier today. I was beginning to polish your yoyo, when all of a sudden my machine malfunctioned and damaged your yoyo. It created a rather large gash, and it appears that it is irreparable, I can't polish it out. I am [b]extremely[/b] sorry that this happened, unfortunately it happened too fast for me to stop it. The situation was out of my control. Again, I am very sorry this happened, and I will do everything in my power to make sure this never happens again, to you or anyone else.
ThrowThrow Spirit yoyo polishing service
Hey bob, just recently polishing that Yoyo for ya it seems the polishing tool went cray cray somehow so now there is and unfixable gash the in Yoyo. Soooo due to the waver you signed saying that I’m not responsible for any damage cause while it is in my hands. Now due to this incident I will be happy to give a discount to you of 75% off due to this gash that is definitely noticeable. If you are upset with me in any way I will be happy to cooperate with you