Yonomicon 2nd Edition - 2024 Updated Re-release & Special Editions

Yonomicon 'Merica Edition

As memtioned above, I purchased the 'Merica Edition. I also opted for the “Delivery In Person”.

“The author will take a paperback copy of the book to the gun range, shoot a hole in, then take it to a burger joint where he will eat the largest burger on the menu with fries and get ketchup stains on the book to prove it happened.”

So after I purchased the book, Mr. Mark @popartmogul sent me a email asking for scheduling a meeting time for the delivery.

I purposed that I could “Aid” in 'Mericanizing my order. He told me that that was a special edition and that he had not sold one. Then he realized he had, and I was the buyer.

After several emails, we set a meet up at a undisclossed Ranch in Southern California that is pro 2nd Ammendment.

Mr. Mark met my kids and we had some fun yoyo chat and trick sharing before the Shenanigans began.

We decided to also 'Mericaize some yoyos.

This red one is my Son’s.

My daughters purple yoyo literally vaporized. We only found splinters of one half, the axel and some string. Mr. Bullseye Mark Mcbride hit dead center.

My kids and I signed a Yoyo for Mr. Mark also, prior to 'Mericaization.

So neither of us really “Knew” what would happen with shooting a book. Neither of us had previous experience with this. But Mr. Mark came prepared with a ream of paper.

Once we completed our “For Science” experimentation, we chose our tool, made some practice shots, then Mr. Mark 'Mericaed the Book.

One Shot - Bullseye into the center of the yoyo!

First stage of the special edition - Complete!

Next step - Burgers.

I had originally picked out a favorite burger joint, but on the way there, realized it was closed.

We shifted gears, found a new place and headed there.

We had an amazing dinner. Great conversation about yoyo and life.

Mr. Mark is amazing! Humble, Funny! It was an honor to meet and hang out with him!

So here is the final pictures of the 'Merica Edition book and yoyos.