Yomega Mania DVD and 2A tutorials

Just a quick little nugget of information for anyone who’s interested. Packaged with (I believe) any Yomega yo-yo you buy these days is the Yomega Mania DVD. It took me a while to get around to it, but I actually found that once I actually decided to watch it last night, it was a good decision.

Disclaimer: I found this to be a combination of a review and trick advice, so I decided the General board would be best to put this in

First off, the whole thing is shot in HD, so that’s a good point to start off with. Add that in with the fact that there are over 150 tricks ranging from beginner to advanced 1A, with even some offstring in there, and it’s already looking like a solid product.

What I found the best about the DVD though, was that the 2A tutorials are performed by Patrick Mitchell. If you liked his winning freestyle at BAC and his segments in the Loop 900 promotional video as much as I did, then this can prove to be a very valuable resource as all of his coolest moves and most 2A freestyle staples are covered in this DVD. You also get the ability to view the tricks in multiple angles, loop them in repeat, and toggle slow motion. It’s definitely an invaluable resource to guide your 2A journey.

So, if you’re a 2A noob like myself looking for a good place to start, I’d recommend checking out “Shawn’s Looping Guides” and Andre’s tutorials on this site to get the basic looping, hop the fence, and shoot the moon motions down and then get yourself a Yomega yo-yo, for the DVD if nothing else.

yeah I have that dvd, it helped me heaps when I started. Im actually lending it to a friend who is starting to throw some yo as well, hopefully it helps him like it helped me.

It helped me a lot in the begining too.

i got 2 raider ex’s and kept one of the dvd’s and gave one to a friend, i was pleasantly surprised not only by the 2a but 1a as well

this is also a nice site http://2amaster.webs.com/

i dont even know where mine is i am looking for it