Yo-Yo Display - By the Numbers

The word “Display

The prefix 'dis-'comes from Latin, where it has the literal meaning ‘apart’ and is now commonly used to mean ‘opposite of’, ‘not’, ‘remove’ and ‘reverse’.

Play (verb) to engage in sport or recreation.

So “display” in effect means “not to play”.

Argument being a display is counterintuitive to using tools of throw (AKA Yo-Yo’s). My solution - Capacity of Display (CoD) is less than your total number of desired display pieces (N), forcing the extra to be used for play versus display.

CoD = N - 1

My findings have not yet been published as, I am still testing the theory in my lab. Not valid for 2A.


Yeah! What you said!

I Think?

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Not really sure about what you asking with this post but do you want to see yoyos that we display and do not use at all?
My only one is a ILYY - Wasabi which I am attached for sentimental value but tbh I actually do play it on the carpet when I want to chill.
Tbh I think all the yoyos get played at some point

I’m working on logistics of building a display. Trying to figure capacity. So many variables. Luckily my amassed “displayable collection” is small. My plastics already fit nicely in a Pelican-style pistol case.

Was determining how best artificially control both the number I own, that they don’t get shelved never to be thrown.

Gotta expect that, I’m an engineer by trade!

I just consider my display a form of storage. My display fits all of my yoyos.

You don’t buy a tool box that won’t fit all of your tools, just so you can say that “these tools aren’t being stored, so these tools are being used by simply not being in my tool box.”

Just because you store or display something doesn’t mean it doesn’t get used. I’m only playing yoyo for maybe an hour total on any given day, so for the other 23 hours it just makes sense for me to put it back in storage/display.

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While the broken down parts of the word may equate to this at its core, the current modern definition of the word leaves no room for doubt. “While on display” they are not being played with, but while being played with, they’re no longer on display.


  1. make a prominent exhibition of (something) in a place where it can be easily seen.

“the palace used to display a series of Flemish tapestries”

Notice in the example that it was a “series” of tapestries on display. This denotes that tapestries were rotated from the display. I think the equation for this is E=MC7

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Your version of a display sounds like the yoyos are in a box on the attic. Most displays are easy to access and dont hinder playing. Imagine playing with all your yoyos at once though, so no yoyo has to be in storage/displayed

Currently I don’t have a yoyo display. For the yoyo’s that cannot fit on my table they unfortunately have to be on ’Dis-play’ in boxes and yoyo cases where it is harder to use them. It would be better if I had a yoyo display.