Yakuza versus Mafia yoyo battles

thanks but you should see me off camera i do 10 times better!
On another note Yay me! 200th post

Wait, that was directed at me, right? I assume you mean from the club.

Na I think he means everyone!

Can you edit the 1st page?

I want to do a 4A battle with someone…lol. I still am unsure of the grind battle I had with…Who was it again? Sheesh, I dunno if its still on or not. Been busy as a bee.

Yeah when will our video battle be up?

we should put Abby and yoyoguy’s videos on the front page.

I know but hippo hasn’t done it yet oh well…

Hippo is probably busy, Abby. Be patient, everyone is, to be honest…It’s Christmas Season, gifts to buy, and other shenanigans.

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Yeah. I’m sure he is. Pretty much everyone is super busy lately.
He’ll get to it eventually. Be patient.
It’s worth the wait though, because I’ll get to say I told you so. (even though we both did well.)


YaY! now let ghost do the judging begin!

Mr. Yoyoguy won. he had more advanced tricks and you guys tied with flow and accuracy.

Says the person who isn’t even a judge…

I would believe he’s just giving his opinion on who he thinks should win, and that should be fine. It’s not like it impacts Ghost’s decision.

True, on another note where has ghost bin anyway I haven’t seen him on the forums for a while…

Ok now it’s past Christmas! :stuck_out_tongue:
You could put me and offstring-stewart’s battle on the first page too.


Well…I guess its dead…Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Hey Ghost, would it be alright if you judged the videos?