Xconvict/ Modded FHZ

These are for trade, both are siliconed and the xconvict is painted. The FHZ is like a 4.8 out of 5, great condition, the xconvict has like two scratches through the black paint on the rims but nothing that affects play and the scratches could probably be covered up with like a sharpie or something, its about a 4 out of 5

Im hoping to trade these both for a cheap metal like a razzle m1 or a b-grade yyf

I may take plastics like 2nd-3rd run gung fu, just offer what you want and I’ll decide then.

Would you trade FHZ for anything here:


Like I said in the post, I want to trade both yoyos for one thing. I’m trying to cut my collection size down.

i will trade you a velocity that i got three days ago its red with black dials s will you trade :o

trade a brand nev velocity just for the x convict

what about a duncan metal zero ill either trade that or a cold fusion duncan maybe

Necro, he probably sold it.
Also, Mitch G.'s new account is Dv888.

I still have it, this is my new account, that one wont let me log on anymore ??? But yeah if you can provide pics I’ll take that trade

i think i can top that i have a mhfz that is silid and satined and has a yyf bearing plus i can throw in a throw monkey that has a sili pad

Sorry I dont want duncan :-\