WTTF Antiyo Side Effects*Found*

Looking for antiyo SE, to complete the antiyo’s I have.
A yoyo, some brass side effects, and extras for your antiyo side effect, red preferred.

These are not for sale, I only want some antiyo side effects.

CONUS only atm.

G2 B18 Web pre order, no dmg that I can find
G2 AL7 B18 Bomber pre order, one ding, pictured
OD Lterrarian, no dmg that I can find
PDX-YO Batsquatch, one scratch, pictured
OG nickel Ywet, no dmg, but vibes

Side effects:Brass domes, brass UL’s, MC brass and al
Some extras

The nickel ywet and batsquatch are for antiyo reds only, the rest Id be down to trade for silvers. Id also trade both of the banshees for a set of reds.

The side effect and extras can be thrown in for silvers or reds, just as sweetener.

Thank you all for looking, stay healthy. If you have antiyo se and dont like what you see pm me what you may be interested in and we can go from there.

bippity bump

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