wtf why didnt anyone tell me....

my fav throw is the superstar. my fav bi metal is nightmare…
YYF PUT BOTH OF THESE TOGETHER and no one told me? apparently there is a superstar 2016. supposedly bimetal. why didnt anyone tell me?.. big fan of YYF…

cant find any specs or pics though. im sure atleast one of you knows what im talking about…

Yes! The bi-metal Superstar is very good; I have used one at my yo-yo club. The reason you might not have heard about it is because it was a part of the mystery pack so YoyoFactory hasn’t technically released it yet.

It really is superb. It is definitely reminiscent of the Recess Weekend, but I really have a hard time believing that YoyoFactory would “copy” any yo-yo company’s design. Many people are calling it a copy of the Weekend, but there are notable differences. Additionally, it is similar to the Space Cowboy in some ways so if anything inspiration came from that. There is speculation that perhaps YoyoFactory was working on the Superstar2016 back when Tyler was still with YYF, thus allowing Tyler to, in fact, have stolen the Superstar2016’s design, but I don’t want to assume the worst in anyone. I just like to think that this is just a big coincidence.

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You can definitely find them for sale around the forum or on eBay, and they don’t seem to be going for too much.

Bi metal superstar was product x, there are tons of pics of them.

crap i knew i should have bought one. CURSE YOU SLOW INTERNET

One just went up on sale on Facebook  Better hurry!