Would you rather...

Would you watch the Summit Documentary on a frozen screen or listen to Justin Bieber

What’s a frozen screen?

watch the summit doc. with frosen screen
A frosen screen if when it wont move

would you rather be chased by an angry mob of mutant 2 foot tall forks or knives?


Would you rather ba my new puppy dog or my old ugly cat? (He’s only sorta ugly so I can understand if you would rather be him)

I will be the cat

Would you rather compete in worlds with a Duncan fhz(with mod spacers) or a yyj pinnacle

YYJ Pinnacle

Would you rather smash your PS3 or MacBook Pro?

Mac book pro because pc is master race


/end thread, thanks to augment. Where there are no questions, there will be no answers

Wait don’t let the thread die I’m sorry for almost ending the thread

would you rather be Jensen kimmitt or Hiroyuki Suzuki

Jensen, he’s funnier.

Would you rather kill this thread or revive the old one?

Necro the old one

Would rather have this thread or a Spider-Man thread

This thread

Would you rather eat something very spicy or very sour?