5? That’s insane!

red with clear

Dang dude, high dollar Saiga. I remember when the stock ones were about $400 at gun shows

Anyone know if there will be restocks? I purchased a bipbop and got an error. :-\ Pretty bummed…

I think the ashberry was around 8. There was one or two that had 8.
I only saw 2 for the BipBop. Most only had 5 though.

I am the one who said this, or at least one person who made a similar statement. While I never definitely mentioned anything about the amount of colors messing up the grinding (I therefore agree that it makes no sense) the fact remains that my BBB Puffin 2 does not grind well. It feels sticky when grinding and really does feel like it has a different blast than any other CLYW. It’s very interesting.

Back on the subject, I was able to purchase a red with clear splash WM2 from another store and I’m very happy!

Dang! not my luck today :confused: