Wise advice

As the newest bandit in the “unrelatetd Discussion” category, I have another one:

Wise advice.

I collect wise sentences and advice from all people I know, if famous, common, alive or dead. As long as I gauge it as actually helpfull i ad it to my collection. The walls of my office are covered in paper sheets, on which all the wise advice is written on.

And I will put them down here, just so that if someone needs them they are here. And I am depressed right now, so there is that too.

(They are all translatetd from german. Excuse my grammer)

Lets go:

“The first 10 000 photos are the worst” - Henri Cartier-Bresson

“Good design is as little design as possible” - Dieter Rams

“10 000 hours of exercise to become a master”

“Be stupid and more will be explained to you”

“Multitasking is a lie”

“Inspiration always comes from outside”

“True success is not the absence of failure, it is the refusal to surrender” - Lazarus Lake

“The only thing that matters, is what you can see on screen, afterwards” - Werner Herzog

“Reduce complex questions to their essence, so it becomes a simple dessicion”

“I found to peinture, when I had no teeth and breath no more” - Eugène Delacroix

“Thinking will not overcome fear, but action will” - W. Clement stone (My favourit)

“You get better in something, if you take the hardest path, that you still can do”

“If you follow the question, you will find the answer”

“In art you have to love everything, nature, sience and the person besides you” - Edouard Marcel Sandoz

“Free yourself from ego in craetion” - Nicolas Windig Refn

“Now that I now what hate is, I have become my biggest fear” - Pluto, Ep.5, Netflix

“Überzeugungstäter sein” (There is no word for this in english, I know of)

“We have no free will. We are nothing more or less than the cumulative biological and enviromental luck, over which we had no control, that has brought us to any moment” - Robert M. Sapolsky

“RPS. Repetition of any skill is Preparation for success” - Kenny Aronoff

“The worst monster resides inside you”

“Do what you can do” - Aljoscha Neubauer

“Don’t think art, make art”

“Death can’t be considered, because if you are afraid to die, there is no room in your life to make discoveries” - James Dean

“Nobody is an island” - John Donne

“Take action!”

“Dream relentless”

“The bricklayer lays down single stones. All these stones make a big house”

“A hero is somebody, who keeps trying, even when you know the walls are closing in” - Prof. Heather Cox Richardson

“It’s not much life, without your mind”

“The eyes of a person are shaped through their experience”

“The best time to act, is always now” - Kurt Haberstich

“You have to be here. You have to do. You have to let it happen”

“I am, who I am, because I do, what I do, beacuse it makes me myself, that I do it”

“Never half-“behind” two things, whole-“behind” one thing” - Ron Swanson, Parks and Recreation, NBC ("Behind stays for the word with “A”)

“With moderation and center” - Konfuzius

“Clearness before truth” - Res Schärer

“The doing is the adventure” - Christo Foerster

That’s about it. The ones without an author are either from unknown sources or my own. You are free to steal those. I hope you got something from that. They help me everytime I am down. It’s just a matter of finding the right one in the situation. But I always find one.

I’ve you have some, you think are worth sharing, put them down here. And if you like any of the ones above, I would like to hear that too.


“How you spend your day, is how you spend your life


“Your first 100 songs will be awful, so make them as fast as possible” Johnny Mozza, a YouTuber.

He didn’t coin it, but I enjoyed his thoughts on the subject.

It’s a good point about music making, and honestly other creative endeavors. Don’t strive for only perfection, get it done and improve along the way.


From who is that phrase?

My Gramps! not sure if he heard it from someone.


That’s a real poignant phrase, good one gramps


Yes, a good one gramps. I’ve heard it before, but never checked.

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“It is good and well to reminisce on glad times of the past, but forget not to find joy in the times of the present, for they too will simply be a memory”


“We all have two lives, and the second begins when we realize we only have one”

“When one door closes, find a nearby wall and bash it in with brute force”

“Whatever you are, be a good one”

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“I don’t care how much toilet paper you use, just don’t ruin any more underwear.” Advice from my father when I was around 5-6


I’ll try to remember this :saluting_face:

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“When normal is broken it’s good to be weird”
-Dave Ramsey


“It is neither good nor bad, only thinking makes it so.” Eckhart Tolle


You can’t love until you learn to love yourself.

Had to learn this one the hard way unfortunately. But sometimes the best way for you to learn something is to make a mistake and experience the consequences first hand.

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better to be loved by a few than liked by many



I don’t know what I’m doing lol didn’t mean for last post to be a direct reply to the last quote.

“age and treachery will beat youth and skill every time”
Fausto Coppi


I’d much rather have four quarters than a hundred pennies


“If you go to bed with an itchy butt,
You’ll wake up with a stinky finger”

                            ~ Confucious

“This struggle we must compensate is a test of strength, a lesson in appreciation.”

“No one said this would be easy. What’s in a fight you guaranteed to win!?”

“Those bad days, those evil days define the days we live for.”

“I must remember that darkness is the canvas where light will place a dawn.”

Another Breath - Diesel and Gunpowder (2:25)

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Never thought is see a Coppi quote on this forum :grin:

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