Win a MonkeyfingeR CaesaR (giveaway concluded)

so you’re going to reply to the winning comment?
I don’t understand the above part of your psot.

Yes, I will reply to the winners comment letting them know they have won, asking for a way to contact them privately.

i would say 2 days is fair

“I think would say one in a million” Lolol
Honestly tho, chances of winning this are pretty decent.

One in about 200 is decent. .05% lol

I will say this, I was testing the program the other night for integrity and a couple people in this very thread I recognized had came up. I’m not going to name names to get anyone excited or bummed out out since it was just a test tho lol.

OOOO intriguing! Good call on the date drawing btw.

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Lolol since you told us that it just gets me excited anyway ::slight_smile:

I hope I win, that Laurel colorway is so :-*

I have just attepted to respond toa few comments but was unable to reply because the users were not subscribed. If your name is drawn and you are not subscribed you will automatically be forfeited. I hate to That to anyone but this is an absolute nessesity for the process. So if you are not 100% you subscribed I recommend you double check.

im subscribed but you didnt comment! why me!? f my life dies

So the drawing is the 28th and we should check now to see if we got a comment back from you on youtube right.

The drawling is on the 28th
And no, a couple people had ask questions and I attepted to answer them but couldn’t not reply because they were not subscribe. You should double check to make sure you are subscribed if you are not positive you have

I am starting to grow impatient. I really want to see who’s going to win

Lol, I could see if I was determined to make it to 250 getting impatient. But I set a date, and that day is only 3 days away!!! Lol.

Well I just checked and for some really odd reason it won’t let me sign in! Weirrrrddd never had this happen before on youtube. I left this username under my comment so if its possible maybe you could message me on here?

I’m sorry man it would be going agaisnt the way it is set up. It should just be your Gmail password. If you don’t get it make a new gmail and enter with that one. Just let me know if you end up doing that so I can delete your old comment before the drawing.

logged in and it checked out fine! ready for the contest.