Wikipedia for Yoyoers

If anyone has noticed, most professional yoyoers don’t have wikipedia pages. Most pages that exist are outdated and small.
Gentry’s Wikipedia article is barely a paragraph, and Evan doesn’t even have one.
We should work on updating these!


Have you looked here:

I believe this pretty much fills the bill already.

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Yes but that’s already quite outdated

So update it then rather than start something new that probably no one will find. Or it could also mean that no one is all that interested.


I’m just not a big fan of that wiki’s layout personally

I also feel as though the biggest names like Evan and Gentry should have pages on Wikipedia so it’s easy to google them for people who are new to yoyoing

You can also update the Wikipedia pages for them.

Honestly I’m not surprised that there isn’t much on them. This is a really niche hobby/sport/whatever you wanna call it.

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