:( Why

I understand where you’re coming from. It’s okay if you care about others think. I certainly do care because that’s how I was raised. I was one of the lucky ones like oops said earlier. No one really hates on me because in a boring town like the place I’m in, everything different is awesome. And I play a lot in public though I make sure I don’t hit anyone.

Maybe it’s also because I also do other things other than just yoyoing and I’m quite outgoing myself.

I guess what I can say is that…just do you. Keep on throwing, and if you ever get well known in the community that you find yourself out there, you get the last laugh. Thug life.

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Well, this didnt really happen to me, cause like half of the kids at my school started yoyoing, including the few that would be a jerk to me, so I have a little respect from them. I have had people say stuff like that, but what else would they waste their life on? Besides sports, video games? Skateboarding? Yoyoing is just like any other hobby.

“A Brave man only dies once, a coward dies every day” Unknown

“Today is a good day to die” Klingon

“EEEAAAayyyy AAAAHHHGGGGGhhhhhhh EEEaaaayyyAAAgghh eeee yahhh” Apache

Thankyou guys. Thanks for all of the great inspiration and tips, it really touched me. Although some stuff doesnt apply to me (The hot girls wont like you if they see you doing this, that is 100% false for me:P (thats an entirely different story though…) Although, I do go to a private school, so I basically know everyone, and now that I realize it no one really cares, and I shouldnt either. And I am not the type of person to do things at the wrong time, I make sure it is the right time and place to do things, especially yoyoing. And now that I thing of it, it is no different than other peoples hobbies, just not as common, it is more artistic. Thanks for all of the help guys. :slight_smile:

Happy throwing, Bricky. =)


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Man, school drama is brutal. It can be such a traumatizing thing. I was picked on almost every day just for my looks alone and not even for doing something as awesome as yoyoing. All I can say is try not to dwell on the negative. There will always, ALWAYS be someone who doesn’t like what you’re doing, even more so in high school where its considered cool in certain circles to just talk trash about something, regardless of what it is, for the sold purpose of peer acceptance. I used to hate those poeple, but now I only feel pity. Its not an easy thing to do, but I find it all comes down to your attitude about life and other people. I feel like the ones who talk s**t must have some underlying problems that they have to vent on whoever they feel is beneath them.
My final thought is, don’t spend a single moment worrying about what other people think of what YOU love doing, because there with be equally as many that find it awesome
I find wearing sunglasses while throwing helps alot, and if you’re listening to music then you wont even hear people if they have something stupid to say. Keep at it, do what you love cause everything else is secondary!

People who would put you down for yoyoing have a very poor self image, and very low self esteem. They think it makes them look cool to make fun of somone participating in something unusual. Anyone unique stands out in a crowd, and sheep don’t like unique.

If girls don’t like you for who you are, then they aren’t the right girl. The other guy said it wouldn’t help you socially and with girls. Well, with the right people, it can’t hurt you either.

Be confident, be you, smile, engage in friendly conversation. Don’t get defensive. If they have a question, answer it honestly. People usually will mirror you. I used to yoyo at work all the time when I worked on the phones with a headset (my hands were free), and my coworkers loved it and were amazed. The few who looked down on me for it I never cared to get to know anyways.

Don’t really mind throwing at public, but there are those people who are real stuck ups and put you down. Most just see yoyoing like other hobbies like skateboarding or something

we all are at first but who cares just have fun

Just do what I do focus on the Yoyo and if someone calls me a loser I just say betcha you can’t do half of what I’m doing and it usually makes them think twice about what they say thar and just plain out do it I Yoyo everywhere I go so not having my yo-yos is painful and also If someone calls me a loser which almost never happens ignore it and just keep yo-yoing cause you can’t stop it