Does string tension work the same on Tops as it does for yo-yo? That string just looks like it’s lost all tension. That or the tension has moved down the string and knotted up.
First things first. I am super stoked that you got bitten by the top bug. They are a lot of fun. That string looks like it was never tensioned right to begin with. I would love to find a good source myself. I got one too that had a thicker string than the rest and can’t remember which it was but I like it better. It is a 3 cord cotton string similar to Butcher’s string but thicker. So you may actually be able to look around a fabric store and get something. Also, not in EU but here is a link for Dazzling Dave who does custom orders. Spintop
If need be, we can get you some and ship it. I don’t mind. Of course that doesn’t help today but it’s an option that you know I don’t mind making happen for you. Just let me know. I honestly didn’t know about this special order from Dave so now I’m feeling like I’m going to order some from him anyways. I’ll let you know when I do so you can get in on it if you like. Let me know.
Nah it’s ok. I have a string that works with a bit of an adjusted throw so I’m good for now. Also ordered another Trompos (was cheap and fast on Amazon) so I should have a string for the nice one I bought as well then.
Hey, I’m from Belgium originally now living in the US and I have a store that would be perfect for you to find good strings in Europe if you need them. I’ll leave a link in this message for you. I’ve used this company before and they’re very reliable. Hope this helps
[online store link removed]
Mod edit- please don’t link to other online stores. Thanks.
You might find this a little strange. Top strings are twisted based on whether you are a right or left handed player. A right hand player throwing a top with left hand twisted string might cause the string to potentially unravel.