Who is going to worlds?

I doubt it will be on ESPN. It was on ESPN once or something and IF they were to cover it, I highly doubt that they’d show all the freestyles and stuff.

I’ll e-mail ESPN and try to get them to do it.

But me, no.

I’m not, but I hope that it is available to watch in some kind of live web stream or on TV!

Me too.

i’m going also

I just found out, I am NOT going…

I will obviously be there lol.

NOOOO :'(. Why not?

Well, yea :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not going to worlds but I am Going to the yoyoopen in NY.

well then i guess well need a sign shisaki u wanna do the sign or u want me to?

i am probably gonna go but i need to know if it costs anything just to go and watch the exhibitions and if it does how much?

Three Day Pass $55
One Day Pass $18
Admission after 630PM on Friday (Finals start at 7PM that day) $9

Alright thanks! I’ll see you all at worlds!

I would go, but like others have said, the distance is a little expensive (I’m in Toronto, go figure lol :P) , and i would prefer to be going to actually compete. Although i think i’d love to actually meet other people who throw. Not many where i live. lol :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ll be there all day Friday wearing a white Fox t-shirt with a logo on front and back, plaid-ish shorts, and a black puma hat. I’ll probably be throwing a blue Frantic or a white Dark Magic, feel free to just come say hi.

maaan the past 2 days have been wild! the 1st and 2nd rounds were awesome to watch and i ALMOST got a peak for 30 bucks :o i was a second too slow on getting the money to the guy though :frowning:

i probly will next year

I am probobally going tis year.

2009 WYYC ended, this year = 2009 :stuck_out_tongue:

