In your opinion, who has the fastest speed combo?
My picks:
Iori Yamaki
남동훈(Dong Hun Nam)
김미르(Mir Kim)
Hiroyuki Suzuki
In your opinion, who has the fastest speed combo?
My picks:
Iori Yamaki
남동훈(Dong Hun Nam)
김미르(Mir Kim)
Hiroyuki Suzuki
Don Hun Nam
Obviously, its me
I mean your fast bro I’ll give you that. I would say you could give Angelo a run for his money at some point.
Me. I’m so fast, I’m too fast for myself. I have the stitch on my hand to prove it.
Naw, that was a medical thing. But I will be contemplating that question throughout the day.
Funny how everyone is just saying that they have the fastest speed combo. (I don’t know about fastest speed combo, but I always thought Hiroyuki Suzuki had the nicest speed combo.)
“I am speed”
I would say Dong Hun Nam, Ayumu Kasuga, or Kohei Nishimura(his front style combo)