Who entered the bombsquad contest

Hey, just wondering who entered it. I am going to have a vid up tommorow (I know I procrastinated). I am so excited that central brearing co hoodie looks awesome. Too bad I am not even allowed to wear hoodies. :’(

I entered my youtube name is shmoe7415 ;D

yeah hopefully i have something done by tomorrow as well^__________^

Nice! Loved your vid.
Although there was a bit of Legacy Abuse. :smiley:

Sorry about the double post but I finished my vid!

Sorry for the bad quality, I used to be a lot better before I uploaded it.

I entered with my friend Matt.


I’m the one in the “b-grade” shirt

Awesome vid Gee. You and Matt did an great job. Where those two red yoyos a MVP and a Skyline?