December 17, 2014, 9:41am
Here it is as it played out from the beginning (I’ve just cherry-picked the relevant posts):
After many emails requesting another run of the M10, we put together this second, and final run.
For the holidays, we are dropping the price to $110 for solid colors, and $120 for custom anodize.
Some totally unfortunate news…
Our local postal service appears to have misplaced the package and has been searching all week! We don’t have anymore specifics then that and at this point are waiting (with lots of positive thinking) that it will show up in the near future. But right now that is all we know!
We will keep you posted if and when they arrive to us! :-\
After more research i believe the shop selling them is probably legitimate, but possibly unaware of what they have or selling them on commission or something for a customer, i’m not sure, i PM’d Ernie with more info and hopefully he can get to the bottom of it. Surely a long-running business(14 years on eBay) wouldn’t risk everything just to knowingly sell some stolen yoyos, so i’d ask people to not send any messages to the seller or otherwise notify them, especially not until Ernie has had a chance to contact them.
I contacted the hobby store, and Andre.
The hobby store is now aware that they have stolen property.
He is being very helpful, and we will get to the bottom of this.
Authorities will be notified.
Thank you everyone for looking out for us!
The yoyo community is awesome
So there you have it! Massive kudos once again to NathanC for his great detective work.
I’m glad to see that this all ended up working out and these M10’s will be showing up on here soon… I’m tempted to buy one myself just so I can own a piece of YYE folklore.
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