What's your limit?

When it comes to yoyos, what’s the limit of what you’re willing to spend on a new throw? As with any hobby, there is so much variety out there, and it all comes with a tremendous range in regard to price.

While I’d love to say it’s higher, I hit a hard stop around $100, and I don’t even have any throws I’ve paid more than $35 for at his point.

There are certainly yoyos above this point that I’d love to own, but with a family and other adult obligations, it’s hard to justify more.

So. What’s your limit?


My one is maximum 70$ which I payed for some One Drops (65$ or something similar) but that’s it, I cannot afford 100£ for a single throw, maybe and I said maybe I will spend them if the yoyo is the perfect one for me, something that I really really really like and want but I have to be honest sometimes the price point is not justified, I tend to do not buy a lot after take out some dreams I had from when I was a teenager now I do not think I will buy many more.




Mine is from $20 for monometals or plastics to $130 for bi metal.


$30 for a plastic, $30-$70 mono-metal, $130 bi-metal.


$70. These are usually impulse purchases. I have not gotten a new yoyo since November 2, 2022. Lots of great stuff coming out but I already own lots of great stuff and usually gravitate towards the same 5-6 yoyos. I’m going off topic…


For me, I’ve spent 350 on a spyy ti-01, but I’ve also spent 150 on a monometal punchline. For new yoyos, I’m kinda with the guys above me… up to 35 for a plastic, 60ish for a mono, 130 for bi. I guess it boils down to how much i want said yoyo. If it’s a spyy pure or radian super light, i may be tempted enough to take out a second mortgage! :sweat_smile:


$350 is my cut-off point. I’m usually all in depending on what’s coming out but when more and more of the ti’s start hitting $400 and above, I’m out. The most fun yoyo I’ve ever had is the $150 TiVayder


$115 is the most I have spent for a bi-metal. I have a Ti LaGrange that I really enjoy. It is about the only mini yoyo that is actually functional.

I have WAY too many yoyos and I never sell anything. I intend to buy the new Motion throw when it comes and and I would really LIKE to have a Ti Luftverk Daytona Slimline but I am balking at the $339 price tag.


Yoyoing is a pretty cheap hobby compared to some other stuff I’m into. My limit is $500 but I think If some parlays hit then I’d drop $700-1000


If you asked last year i would be lying if i said i had a limit. But since Dec I’ve committed to collecting only the brands i am emotionally spiritually or whatever attached to and i feel much better… but none of the brands in question sell yoyos for less then $50 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::crazy_face::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Around 70 bucks for a high end unresponsive, anything under that is fair game. Sadly woodies and modern responsives are a bit more expensive, they aren’t as widely made and a really good wooden is hard to get for cheap. With tmbr on break and Spinworthy on and off with making yo-yos(glen mentioned he’s making a new batch of buttons maybe? I would love to get one) it’s understandable why they go for so much.
The rbc was more expensive than I hoped but I have two so I clearly think it’s well worth the cash. You’re gonna spend around 60 to 100 dollars for a high end 0a throw. not mandatory, you could get a Duncan for much cheaper


I’ve got the RBC on my list, but damn if it isn’t a hard pill to swallow.


I rarely play with yoyos, i’m a collector/$ broken enthusiast. BTW, this explains everything
$1000, maybe.


Generally $60 for a mono- metal, and $120 for a bimetal.

I would rather spend more on a higher end yoyo than spend less on a budget yoyo. When you have 50+ yoyo’s what matters most is that it has the power, stability or flow that you want.


Mine is also $100. When I started buying metal yo-yos, I started with One Drop and the splashes were going for $98 at the time. That’s my limit and I’m sticking to it.


Apparently I am a degenerate… But I already knew this.


Na the others in our boat are at work right now :face_with_peeking_eye: /s


$350ish, whatever new Ti monometals cost.

$150ish for alu mono metals

$200ish for bimetals.

All of this hinges upon the fact that I actually want the yoyo lol


Happy Anniversary :confetti_ball: :tada: :two_hearts: