What's the cost difference between making a Grade 5 and Grade 2 Titanium?

temptation calling you now?


Well it is a high priced option that they made to keep up with the trend. They do it because they know TP fanbase is huge and TP QC is on point.
Take it like Supreme Varsity Jacket and Supreme x LV situation
Other grade 5 yoyo are G2, RSO, etc many brand are transparent with material as well


I was asking about grade 5 costs because some of the ones sold that mention grade 5 are in the 600+ range and I was wondering how much of that was due to the added mfg/material cost. I do understand that it’s not all about material/mfg cost, but wondered how much of a factor that might be.


I tried searching that question and couldn’t find anything. Maybe I should have done advanced.


Yeah no worry, if we can make this thread exclusively for material discussion, this could help others as well

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I don’t have problem with TP’s pricing, etc.

I guess I am just circling back to the original question: is a Grade 5 more expensive to produce?

Or is it selected to emphasize the premium-ness of a yo-yo?

If Grade 5 is 6/4 Ti, it’s pretty common for, e.g bike components.

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How much of a factor depends on the company and how their costing structure works out. You can see how some brands command $130+ for 6061 monometals (not a complaint, just an observation) where you can buy yoyos that perform similarly made from the same material for $25. I doubt any Anglam yoyo costs significantly more to manufacture than other brands, but you see them selling $600-1000 yoyos LOL.

Yes it is indeed need more effort because the alloy is composed of others and some of other alloy are harder than Titanium, one can be mentioned is Vanadium which is a very hard metal therefore grade 5 are more durable and harder to manufacture.

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Yes, according to the link in my post above, and others, grade 5 is 6Al-4V.