What's new yoyo crew?

So i’ve been out of yoyoing for a year what’s changed since i’ve been away?


We dont call them yoyos anymore, theyre now officially oyoys

Godspeed and the DNA are now two of the most popular yoyo tricks in the world thanks to social media, and more people are getting involved in yo-yoing than ever before !!! Also there are sooo many yo-yos available now here
on YYE !!! The list can go on and on.

I’m sure there’s plenty more that I might’ve missed though :sweat_smile:

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A number of brands have released maglev yoyos. You no longer need a string.

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I’ve almost learned a new trick!



I started learning 4a and the ‘zonts.

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sadly i was yoyoying when godspeed and dna came about


“Do the DNA/go GodSpeed with a _____ yoyo?!?!?”


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There was a cataclysmic occurrence and the world as you knew it ended tragically… :nauseated_face:

i thought that’d happen