Sorry I couldn’t find the other thread, but I’d appreciate if someone could tell me what yoyo this is:
It looks like a raw MonkeyfingeR Evil-Yo
Prototype maybe? I feel like I remember the hub nip being smaller in diameter
I was just guessing based on the fairly rare double bump edge treatment.
Just a guess
A straight gap view would/could be helpful😉
I was more asking a question cause I’m not really sure. Everything else about it seems like an evil yo
Well, I ran out of guesses.
Looking at the cup view, there seems to be a slightly different number of step cut into the yo-yo. And as already mentioned; the hub area is a different shape.
But there has to be some coincidence in the shapes>
Definitely looks like a Prototype of the Evil-Yo
@MonkeyFingerYOYO Ray it looks like these guys are correct but do you mind chiming in with any confirmation?
I believe it is a prototype of the Evil-yo which explains the subtle changes
It has some writing on it, super faded so I’m not sure what it says. May be a signature but I do not know
Well, I’m gonna call in a Genius on this one
Hold on———>. I just sent a message to Ray(MonkeyfingeR).
He will either recognize it or also wonder ‘why’ it does look so much like another yoyo?
Curious how did you get this yo yo?
Keiran Cooper challenged me to learn an extremely difficult Arata Imai trick (took me a week and a half) and told me he would send me a yo-yo if I could do it. Didn’t tell me what it was, and it arrived today
Holly smokes that is an old throw. If memory servers correctly there were 4 (might have been 5) protos of the evil-yo. 2 were anodized to test a colour the other 2 remained raw. I have one anodized and 1 raw one. Todd has the other anodized one and until know I had no idea what happened with the forth. That is an really cool piece of MFD history. Well done dude!!
The proto is a fair bit different from the production run I wasn’t happy with the spin time so we moved weight away from the center and thickened up the rim. Thanks for the shout out all. I love it!!
Love to hear the story of it! I’ve been making in shred through all my tricks all day. When it’s not being thrown it sits besides my yoyo prototype the moose, in which there also happens to be 5 and is raw!
I’m just shocked it is still around and in such good condition.