Thanks to Tyler3490 for writing most of the reviews, Raphael for writing a review, and most of all Josh Parker (Schalicto) for helping me out a ton with getting it online and hosting it and fixing bugs in it. I wouldn’t have been able to make this website without them all. (but mostly Josh)
I run on Mac, so I used textedit. Most people don’t know how to do it, but basically you code it in textedit, then go to the format menu and select “convert to plain text”. Then save it as something.html, and you’re all set for the internet.
It’s only really for the review pages where the text is smaller. I just find it hard to read. Silly eyes ::). Err… other that your classic white bg and black text no. Sorry to such a horrible critic :-[
Hehe, I wish I could explain it to you. I used to know a fair bit about it(enough to give me a decent website) a few months ago. But now I barely remember anything!
Basically, CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. They are documents that define how a webpage looks. I’ve got this website that I created for an English project last year.
I spent a great deal of time with the CSS on that; not so much on the coding. Simply put, you have to assign names to block-level tags. Then you can use that name in a CSS file to alter the attributes of that tag. For example, in my website above, when you hover the mouse over a menu item, it appears as if the button became depressed. That effect is created by altering about 5 of the link’s attributes.
I really don’t know how to explain CSS more than that, but you can check this out if you want to:
I learned how to use CSS from a “for Dummies” book
instead of making colors, make a background like this site. you scroll up and down and its the same! or make one of those repeating backgrounds, but that gets dizzying after a while if the picture is to small
Color update, I like this color a lot better, but it’s up to you guys.
But seriously, I’m coding this all by hand, you don’t understand how much work it takes to change the color on every page. I’m using HTML and only HTML, I don’t know what CSS even really is.