What type of yoyo player are you

i love you (jk) i love that type of yoyoer i love how open you are to questions and letting people use your yoyos usually when i’m yoyoing in “public” (public as in church or youth group bc i’m anti-social) i don’t let people use my yoyos because i know they are inexperienced and i know they will ding it but that is super cool of you definitely respect you for that! :smiley:


When I am out and about, I carry my dove, so people can try on the plastic (will carry my Neo, as it’s a responsive yoyo once it gets here instead).
When I get better I plan on carrying around either the VTWO or the Ti-Vayder depending on mood, and if I do so, I will still carry either the Dove or Neo with me, mainly for the purpose of allowing people to have a go if they want to try.
Oh and to walk some dogs of course :wink:


if i were you i wouldn’t bring the Ti-Vayder out abd about too valuable :wink:


Yeah, it did cost me more than double what the VTWO cost. ^^;;;;;;
So I think this falls into depending on the mood category and where I am going


that’s true

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Yeah VTWO cost me $90 USD after halloween discount and import tax,
Ti-Vayder cost $195 USD after shipping and tax.

To practice with, at the moment I like the VTWO a lot more, but I feel like I will grow to love playing with the Ti-Vayder a lot more as I get better, manage keeping strings on plane and tilt etc


yeah as you yoyo more tilt and stuff like that will become a lot easier

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I’ve never heard that turn of phrase before.


My bike is happiest when it’s flying through the air. I try to keep my bike happy! :grinning:


A responsive is a very good idea to carry around, since most of the world expects the yoyo to come back up to their hand.

I usually carry a Replay Pro and something metal that I’m OK with getting dinged. I’ve purchased a couple of pre-loved yoyos on BST that fall into this category.

On the topic of carrying the Ti-Vayder, I don’t own one. However, a few years ago, I purchased a previously sparked Ricochet for a great price. I carry that and will let anyone try it, they aren’t going to damage it. Plus, when you walk the dog and sparks fly… (that said, I’m not so sure I would be sparking it if it didn’t come pre-sparked, I do try not to abuse my toys)


Yeah that was the idea behind carrying a Neo with me so that if people wanted to try they can at least have it go down and up.

The only issue I have is that everyone who has wanted to try my dove so far even after prior warning proceeded to throw with their hand going low and having the yoyo hit the carpet with about 1/3 the string being slack. Luckily I haven’t had anyone asking to try when I’m outside yet.

When outside I tend to try to throw over grass, but, that isn’t always possible. I completely understand the people throwing with their hands too low. It is almost like they expect the string to be 18” long or something.

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I totally understand why they do it, as it’s the most natural movement if you never threw a yoyo before to throw until you hand is almost waist height. But I do try and explain why you shouldn’t before they do show them the string length etc. And they still almost always do lol.

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