What trick are you working on? (Pre 2025)

Yeah it is a good one, I found myself doing it akmost constantly once I learnt it and still work it into some combos, you pick up a lot of useful things from the whole motion!


I’ve almost got reverse Brent stole consistently. Can anyone tell me what I’m doing wrong when instead of a triangle I just get a trapeze with some extra string twists?


don’t land on the string


Figure 8 baby
Got like 6 rotations today but it still feels weird


Practicing these in sequence a bit every day to get consistent…

tension hook - beefhook

double-on 1.5 mount suicide - regular suicide - jade whip suicide


Not sure what I’m quite working on in the 1A world. Was toying around with some chopsticks and hops earlier which is the first in a while I found something “fresh” to work on and explore.

In the fixie/0a world, been working on undermount stalls as those have been my weakness for a while. This will set me up for some zipper stalls.

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Working on perfecting my lacerations. Just getting my finger in that loop seems like its upto chance sometimes. I dont mind well structured mounts, its just anything with slack messes me up


A laceration to a trapeze mount you dont need to focus in putting your finger IN the loop like a suicide. More so just focus on the bottom segment. Itll pretty much land itself. If u are watching a tutorial on it, slow down the frames and u might see what im talking about

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Wow, ive just been whipping the string under and catching it the whole time. Much appreciated

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:grin: sure thing man! TBF i did exactly what u did at first. Than when I learned brent stole it clicked

Ill check it out. I saw it in my list but i hadnt gotten to it yet

Im going to practice Jade Whip soon :slight_smile:
I just like the style of 'whip 'yo-yo tricks! Looks amazing!



Learned this one last week on Dylan’s YouTube, I think it’s called “ADD”. Sure I could get the yoyo to bounce back and forth faster but want to make sure I can land on the strings first… Added challenge with a small yoyo :slight_smile:


I’m working on a whip trick that yoyo Joe has one his channel

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Kamikaze, I got all the elements but still working on connecting everything end to end. I got the Magic Drop to be fairly consistent thanks to some Youtube videos, now it’s mostly the stability at the end that causes issues - somewhere during the last 1.5 mount, trapeze brother, 1.5 mount, the yoyo goes sideways and I have to dismount in a hurry. If this happened to people and you have advice, I’m interested, will probably just need some more practice.


I’m working on 5a hold, catch, and return. I feel like a complete novice who picked up a yoyo yesterday…

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Currently I working on this trick


Feel like I skipped ahead with the Eli hops, boingy boing, GT and such…went back to work on stuff I skipped over. Currently working on Cold Fusion. This is actually the easiest way I’ve been able to get into 1.5 mount so far, so that’s a plus!


Found my grind for the next few days of self isolation:

lots of new stuff I haven’t tried…if I learn the full thing, awesome! Chances are though that I’ll get halfway through, start playing with certain elements and build off of that merely using this as a source of inspiration.