What trick are you working on? (Pre 2025)

I just started working on learning the mach 5, and split the atom.

been working on the matrix for a couple days. not bad - it’s not that difficult since i’ve been working on dub or nothing for so long; i can do 2 - 3 cycles. last night did several full blown eli hops - it surprised me. it really came together when i brought my hands fully together on the hops. still working on boingy boing; sometimes ok sometimes tends to go kind of sideways.


My own combo, looking to add in Ghoti

Alexis JV’s A Star in Paris…

Not sure how to do the slacky thing consistently. I got it once by pure accident. :frowning: And it’s not the pinching mistake he refers to that’s messing me up. :frowning:

I’m working on making new combos

Tressley Capris

You and me both

Yeah, all three of us.

EDIT: oh… wait…

Working on a few different whips from double or nothing. Going to be making a new vid next week.

Trying, but not achieving.

I’m working on a few things more or less simultaneously:

1.5 mount in one motion instead of two
Buddha’s Revenge
Drop in the Bucket
Magic Drop

I’m working on some technical but smooth combos. Trying to go Zach Gormley.

I need a break from Magic Drop: I can hit it a few times in a row, then miss it for 5 minutes straight. Time to switch it up for a while… moving on to Rewind as a precursor to Candy Rain

Gahh magic drop is killing me too right now. I’ve got kamikaze down solid up to where you do the drop. I know it’ll feel great when I finish the trick.

Working on my revolutions in the interim.

Trying to get Hook 2.5 and Hook 3.0 more consistent

Circular Eli Hops

Dude, I have been going for almost two years and I still can’t get the hang of Magic Drop. I have the same problem you have.

Try turning your TH slightly outward (rotate so your palm faces slightly up) as the yoyo swings under and over your TH. Helps with the rejection. Hope this helps all.

Thanks… I’ve tried a few different hand positions, but none that I tried seemed to improve consistency or hit percentage. Would you be interested in doing a quick video tutorial?

It’s all about the toss, hand movement, string placement, etc.

You just have to do every piece of it right to make it happen. If one single part doesn’t occur, it won’t work. :frowning: