What trick are you working on? (Pre 2025)

Yuuki’s Fingerlickins and Yuuki Slack. Feel me?

kwijibo on a fixed axle. ouch.

Black Hops.

^^ I have been idly working on Black Hops for over a year. Land it sometimes. But I’m STILL not consistent with it. It’s a deceptively difficult trick. The way “down” is easy… but the way “up” is a bear!

The trick is deceptive, that is a good way to interpret it. I get the first part right every now and then, it goes pretty well. I can’t do any part of the second half as of yet, though. You watch it in the Tut Vids and you say to yourself…Yah I got that. Then you try it and its a different story. You try to move on quick and watch the Trick Vids, you want to run through thelm and become a Yo-Yo Master. Then you get stuck on a Trick, then 3 months later you’re still trying that trick and you’re learning 10 tricks a month goes to 1 trick every 3 months and you make progress but more slowly. It’s a tough sport, I am still waiting for my spurt of Massive Yo-Yoing Growth to occur…Can’t even think about throwing in the towel.

Trapeze to a pentagram … I forget what it’s called…

I’m working on spirit bomb and shockwave, just landed magic drop today semi consistently. i keep messing up my hop in spirit bomb, I totally fluked out my second attempt and did the first hop… haven’t landed it since…

Monkey Avatar Star and others

I want to work on Monkey Avatar Star! Hahaha!

I’m working on Alexis JV’s “Exit Trap”. It’s not a hard trick, but I am nowhere near smooth with it yet.

Going through the monkeyfinger YouTube tutorials.

Sounds interesting, tut anywhere?

Monkey Avatar Star is a trick a made up about a week ago.

It’ll be in my next video.

Cold Fusion and Skin the Gerbil.

As a new yoyoer I’m so impressed by the tricks you guys do. At this point in my yoyo life everything is so difficult. But slowly, it’s coming together.

You should be able to combine them for a pretty nice Combo. :slight_smile:

You know, since Cold Fusion ends with a trapeze and Gerbil starts with a trapeze that would be a really cool idea.

I would really have to work on getting better, more consistent throws. :slight_smile: As I said, I’m just starting.

Thank for the advice. I’m going to try that.

Lasso to cross armed tower

Working on another Alexis JV trick. This time, “A Star in Paris”, while also ensmoothening (yup, that’s a word even if I had to make it up) Trap Exit. Those new tutorials are pretty cool.

Hi, GregB! Haha!

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Im also working on a star in Paris and barbecue sliders(cabin tutorials)

The not breaking a light bulb with a yoyo trick

grandma kimmit sandwitch