what the next yoyo i should get

i dont care about the size. i use anything that is good

  1. What size do you prefer? (Big, small, medium, etc)
  2. What shape do you prefer? (Be specific: Round Butterfly, Flat Rims, pointy shape, H-Shape)
  3. What response do you prefer? (Silicone, O-Ring, Hybrid, Pad, etc)
  4. Do you like to mod/maintain it?
  5. What weight is ideal to you?
  6. Does color matter?
  7. How does your style relate to the yoyo? (What kind of tricks do you like to do?)
  8. What is your price range?
  9. What is your skill level?

Fill out these questions so we can help you.



He said he will use anything that is good…

He Don’t care about that…

Project 2.
they pwn your face in so many ways.