What String is this?

So a few months back I got a yoyo repaired by yoyoexpert and when they sent it back it had a light pink color string on it. I used it quite a bit and really liked it, so I would like to figure out what it is. Being that light pink isn’t exactly common (not as common as yellow per se), I thought maybe it could be narrowed down to what kind it was. Maybe like Garrett or someone will know what they put on yoyos they maintance. Possibly its YoyoExpert Poly? I know this is a vague explaination but thanks for any help ;D

Maybe just email them and ask?


I guess I probably should have done that instead… I’ll do that :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

But, share it when you find out.

Whenever I fix a yo-yo I just throw a string on it to test. I have an ever growing pile of string on the side of my desk so it could be anything haha. Looking at the pile, and since it’s light pink, I would guess it’s a Normal Kitty String. But if it doesn’t feel like Kitty it could also be some sort of sample, I tend to accumulate those too lol.

It didn’t really feel like kitty but maybe I don’t remember kitty normal correctly… Well thanks for attempting to help!

take a picture of the string