What makes a yoyo FEEL heavier/lighter?

Hi! So question for y’all! I have a 65 gram yoyo that FEELS heavier than a 66 gram yoyo I own while I play with it.

It could just be my mind playing tricks on me. But I have heard of yoyos feeling heaviee (or lighter) than their weight on the string. I had never truly experienced it though.

I am sure there are reasons why. Designwise, what are the characteristics that make a yoyo FEEL heavier or lighter than its actual weight.

Thanks for any input!

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Simple answer is - weight to dimensions ratio makes yoyos feel different.

For example, yoyo with diameter of 55mm, width 43mm and weight 66 grams will feel relatively light, but yoyo with diameter 52mm, width 40mm and same weight of 66 grams will feel noticeable heavier.


Rim weight :speaking_head:

This is true but I think it’s better to say the weight distribution bc you can have two yoyos with the same specs and one will feel heavier if it has more of the weight towards the rim vs another that has a lot of center weight.