What happened to AXIS YOYOS?

I had a random thought about what happened to Axis. I remember it became popular around 2016ish and then disappeared completely.

I vaguely recall them posting on Instagram about a rebrand and releasing a yo-yo called Lazarus, but after that everything went silent.

I couldn’t find any posts in a quick search and I appreciate the comments if theres any infos.

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Tyler Hsieh (half of axis I think, and the designer for their yoyos) started UNPRLD, but I don’t know if there’s more to the story than that.

@andy569 probably has more info


That’s a name I haven’t heard in a long while. I remember when I bought my Pulsefire, my first bimetal.


dude same! mine end up selling the splash one due to financial issues and my co worker accidentally broke my sal-ti. good ol times

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thank you @mable
I’ll wait for the others response for additional info, curious to see more stories behind it

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@unprld is Tyler I think and maybe he knows wassup also

I remember trying to meet with somebody down at Disney to buy a Mixtape but that fell through, but ended up getting a free Mixtape when I preordered my Sal-ti.

Oh I remember and thoroughly enjoyed their models….
I.e. pulsefire, mixtape, wrath and pride!! I think that’s the full lineup!?

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Axis was co-owned by Tyler Hsieh and another guy I believe was named James. Tyler split to create his own company UNPRLD due to creative/personal differences. James continued Axis for a bit longer but then just stopped releasing yoyos. If you liked the company I suggest checking out UNPRLD. Particularly the Flash/Flashback. The Pulsefire was Axis’ flagship and the Flash/Flashback was/is UNPRLD’s flagship and it’s “somewhat” the finalized version of the pulsefire, which itself was the final version of a monometal pulsefire prototype, which was Tyler’s very first yoyo design before Axis was even a company.