What does yoyoing mean to you personally Evan?

Hey Evan, I want to ask how you felt when you were able to put a smile on Andrei’s face after you visited him and made his wish come true? Also, what is yoyoing to you, is it something you do to bring smiles to others’ ?For me, yoyoing is an outlet to express myself and help release stresses of the day in a positive way.

  1. It felt really dang cool man. Initially it was cool because I felt like I was making his day, but as we hung out, it became cool because he’s just a fun person to hang out with and someone I can sincerely call a friend.

  2. Yoyoing to me is many things. It’s a meditative device, a tool to bring people together, and most importantly it’s something to remind me to not take myself so seriously. I can sometimes get stressed out thinking about all the crazy stuff going on in the world. The yoyo re-centers me, and reminds me that what I focus on determines how I feel.

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This has so much meaning! Thank you Evan for just being you! You are so thoughtful and awesome!